Patrick San Francesco
PET Bottle House Invention created by Patrick San Francesco

PET Bottle/Fishnet house

PET Bottle Housing Construction Patrick San Francesco.jpg

PET Bottle/Nylon Fishnet House Construction Video


This unique low-cost construction method, pioneered by Patrick utilizes discarded PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) bottles filled with waste mud which replaces the traditional clay bricks. Nylon 6 fishnet is used to replace the steel in the concrete slab.

These affordable and uniquely strong "Bottle/Fishnet Houses" have been certified cyclone and earthquake resistant, tested up to 9.8 on the Richter scale.

This building method not only promotes waste management, but also offers educational and empowerment opportunities in disadvantaged communities, especially for the aged and infirm.




A PET Bottle/Fishnet House structure was constructed at CSIR in India. The structure was subjected to a series of 18 seismic tests in one day, withstanding all and taken up to 9.8 on the Richter scale before any sign of structural compromise.