Simplicity is the final achievement.
— Patrick

Patrick San Francesco is a world-renowned energy healer and internationally recognized humanitarian, philosopher, teacher and inventor from Goa, India. He is the chairperson of the Samarpan Foundation in India, USA, South Africa and Malawi.

Patrick began healing at the age of 4, in his hometown of Bangalore, India. Initially, the healing consisted of demanding that God should “take care” of those around him who were ailing. In hindsight, Patrick attributes this to his childlike innocence that invested a complete and total faith in the Divine. Eventually, the word of his healing spread and soon more and more patients were knocking on his door. One day in 1987, at the age of 30, Patrick began to see colors of energy and their specific tasks in nature. By harnessing these colors, he realized that he could use these energies like a “toolbox” to heal the human body. With these colors and their unique properties, he also began teaching others how to heal.

Today, Patrick travels the world; healing, teaching his unique energy healing techniques in workshops, imparting his philosophy through talks on higher consciousness and initiating projects to empower the underprivileged. He is the creator of Apphealing, the world’s first multi-dimensional energy healing app. Applying his philosophy of, ‘the greatest good for the greatest number’, Patrick is dedicated to addressing the basic issues facing humanity.

To this end, he has pioneered a unique earthquake resistant and affordable green building technique. The plastic (PET) bottle house is internationally certified and capable of withstanding 9.8 on the Richter Scale. He has unveiled a whole and complete food, available for free to everyone on the planet. He has designed a natural and self-sustainable irrigation system for afforestation and he is currently working on a low energy water generator. In Patrick’ words, “It is my conviction that nutritious food, drinking water, healthcare, shelter and education should be the birthright of every human being.”

Patrick’s contribution to humanity through healing, humanitarian projects and life sustainable inventions is globally acclaimed and his philosophy can be applied in everyday life. Patricks mantra of Love, Peace, Happiness, Kindness, Simplicity and Clarity is personified in his volunteers and demonstrated throughout his foundation’s projects.


The Essence of the Universe is attained through simplicity and not through rituals and mantras. Do not enter the new day with regrets of yesterday or the fears of tomorrow. Just BE and let your acts be guided by the greatest good for the greatest number.


Learn more about Patrick’s philosophy at Here you will be guided to resonate with the Universal frequency.


Would you like to meet Patrick or consult with him on health related, personal, professional, philosophical or spiritual subjects?